For door2door, it is important to offer mobility to all people who have different needs and different requirements for mobility services. That is why we participate in research projects that investigate and analyse the special needs of different user groups. For example, door2door is part of the INDIMO project – “Inclusive Digital Mobility Solutions”. This pursues the goal of creating a universal toolbox with guidelines for the development and implementation of inclusive digital mobility solutions. The three-year EU-funded project started in 2020 and runs until the end of 2022.
We at door2door are coordinating the pilot project in Berlin. Our focus is on female caregivers of young children who live in the district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf, a peri-urban area, and who have limited access to mobility. While technology-based mobility services can improve individual mobility, it is important to recognize that they can also be a potential barrier for certain vulnerable user groups.
In the first phase, we therefore conducted interviews and surveys to gather information and better understand the users’ experiences and needs. After evaluating the initial results, we held a Redesign Workshop on the 1st of October. Here, together with designers, software developers and external industry experts, we evaluated recommendations for an inclusive design of mobility solutions and discussed how we can translate these into solutions for our services. This workshop resulted in the development of a concept and prototype for an emergency/assistance button in the on-demand ridepooling app. The concept focuses on supporting passengers, especially women, with different assistance and safety needs.
In the coming weeks, the newly developed concept will be discussed with INDIMO partners and external stakeholders. A second Redesign Workshop will follow to deepen and discuss different evaluation methods that can be applied in the last phase of the project. And finally, by the end of this year, at the Consortium Meeting taking place in Madrid on the 29th and 30th of November, we will share the latest results and define the activities for the final phase.